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Fertilizer Law/Turf Management Certificate Program
by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Rockland County


The Fertilizer Certificate Program is a required course to obtain the Home Improvement Contractors Certificate; which is required to conduct business in Rockland County. The course is also referred to as The Turf Management Course.

This class has a direct connection to the Clean Water Act of 1972 through Phase II Stormwater Regulations. The class addresses the environmental effects of turf management and the impact that fertilizer creates on open state waters and stream systems. Explanations of fertilizer formulas are given along with the proper way and time period to apply fertilizer. Alternatives to traditional lawn and yard care are presented as a way to reduce fertilizer use and prevent run-off from stormwater. A review of the law is covered and how it applies to both landscapers and retail business sales. The class ends with a review of resources to utilize with in Rockland County in relationship to non-point and point pollution prevention

Cornell Cooperative Extension of Rockland County will be offering Fertilizer Law Certificate Program(s) the first Wednesday of every month. The Fertilizer Law Certificate Program is qualified through Rockland County to those interested in becoming certified.

The cost  $70.00.

Registration and payment in advanced is required!

Certificates of completion are prepared ahead of time and distributed at the conclusion of the class.

This Certificate is the document required by the County. Materials not affiliated with the Rockland County Office of Consumer Protection.

[Traducción al español a continuación.]

The April 16, 2025 program will be held as an online class through Zoom™. You will need access to a computer with a speaker or a tablet or smartphone to participate. Please put your name in the Q&A section upon entering to ensure your attendance is taken. 

You will receive a digital copy of your certificate if you've provided an email address. 


Programa de certificación de la ley de fertilizantes / manejo del césped
por la Extensión Cooperativa de Cornell del Condado de Rockland

El programa del 16 de Abril se llevará a cabo como una clase en línea a través de Zoom ™. Necesitará acceso a una computadora con un altavoz o una tableta o teléfono inteligente para participar.

Recibirá una copia digital de su certificado si ha proporcionado una dirección de correo electrónico.


Questions about the Fertilizer Law Program? Please contact Michael Wilson at [email protected] or call (845) 429-7085, option 3.

For trouble with the registration portal, to make accommodation requests, or for help with Zoom, Contact Ernesto Leon at [email protected]

General Terms

All items are non-refundable, all sales are final.

Refund Policy

All items are non-refundable under any circumstances.