Join the staff of Cornell Cooperative Extension for an exciting chance to sample our many divese programs and opportunities. Come for an afternoon of exploration and education at the Ashokan Center.
The Cornell Cooperative Extension Ulster County Showcase event is the perfect way to find out about the wide variety of programs and services we offer to you and the community. Whether you're looking to learn something new or looking to get involved in your community, the Showcase event has something for everyone.
All items are non-refundable under any circumstances.
If you are unable to attend the event, you may be able to send someone in your place. Please contact the office to ask if this is possible by emailing or calling (845) 340-3990.
All ages are welcome. There is no charge for children under 5, but they must have parent supervision throughout the event. They will not be able to participate in the youth acitivites as they are targeted for ages 5 to 12.
If you checked the box above and agreed to allow Cornell Cooperative Extension Ulster County (CCE) to use your likeness you are agreeing to the following terms:
CCE is granted permission to use and/or publish my or my child’s photograph(s) or image (including audio, film, digital image or any other media) for educational purposes, including on its website, in newsletters, publications, marketing materials, etc., for promotion of CCE and CCE programs/services. I also grant CCE the right to distribute, display, broadcast, exhibit, and market said photograph(s), either alone or as part of a finished production, for commercial or non-commercial purposes as CCE or its employees and agents may determine. This includes the right to use said photograph(s) for promotion or publicizing any of these uses. I understand that I/my child/ward are not being compensated in any way for the use of our images and that I/we do not have approval over the final product in which it appears. I hereby release CCE and all persons acting under its permission or authority from any and all claims or liability arising out of use of our images. This release shall bind our heirs, guardians, assigns, and legal representatives. If this release is being signed for a child/ward, I certify that I am the parent/guardian authorized to sign this release.